Tuesday, February 28, 2006
today : Art, sigh. Everything is turning out quite ok btu still very messyish.
Bio can die lar, its so BORING. like really really falling asleep was drifiting off and feeling so tired.
Recess => DANCE! we finally finished most things and i saw ms sim and hopefull CCA changed will be final, pray for me (: YAY.
then evrything else isnt worthwhile.
but seriously, i guess the whole clique thing is not well false or totally true. Its not wrong to have your own clique its just the way it feels i guess? so i think we shouldnt kick everyone and tell them their wrong. cos its not. yeppps. as in i agree, after camp i knewmore people better and stuff, people that i didnt know personally, and its really soooopperrr dooooopperrr nice to knowmore people. i know i complain a whole lot. so, sorry.
i want my apron back please by thursday thanks sandra if you see this which you wont. heh/
yea jacq, no pressure. afterall only 1000 people will be watching us. oh, who am i kidding.
boy am i looking forward to wednesday, who doesnt like double period chinese? oh. my. gosh.
afterall we're just slogging away and dragging our butts through 2 periods.
1:43 AM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
oh dear, i didnt do the layout for the mag ): so yeah credit goes to cheryl and hansheng. thats why its so nice hahahah. yeahhh. heehee.
5:18 AM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
hahhaahhah first things first y "m" key doesnt work so yeah i use on screen keyoard.but ah its so annoying so no m's for now!
one'voices agazine cae out to day (: yay. that was quite nic.e the cover was uh, nice too!
sighhhhhhhhhhh. ):sigh this lettter before n is really starting to annoy e. i need that letteR!!
:D nehnehnehneh.
well, congrats to the one voice's tea, you guys did a great job on the layout and content.
toobadi had nothing to do with it. well not exactly its just that well, things are different.
9:38 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
sometimes i think why do i try nto to get scolded by teachers.
(this is a pointless entry)
beacause i always do. im not like mouse or gabby who can escape a whole year wihtout being scolded once. its shit ok , i hate it. i got scolded today by my cca teacher and it was seriously im sorry terrible. it wasnt even my fault so whatever and i do not do what she says i did. i do not. stoopid. but liz and tricia made me feel better and i guess i have gotten over it slightly ahyeah.
hmmm today didnt do anything very impt just got my geog report marks back [: one thing to smile abt yeppps. yay thanks to grace and everything and mouse too we got really high. hehehehh i hope it wasnt my part that screwed up ):
and nat and i got all retarded tday singing dumb songs and yeah i forgotwhat, but itwasstillsoooofuunnnnnnandmynospacesare
well i still need a computer to hit me on the head really hard. blah
anyway go visit other people's blogs! it s great to know about other pple'slives. <3
got to know new ppeeeeppsss today (: such as shuhui which i only kew by face and vivienne from infocomm and euthasia or smth from sec 1.(:
<3 im feeling so retarded today
1:39 AM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
my blogs back. [:
i just like blogging. its fun youknow. if you dont have a blog goandgetonenow. and tell me too.
well iso meetings are fun and stony (: and we didnt do anything for the first 45 mins, was really tired so we waited outside the lab for mrs tong. ended up talking about non iso ish stuff, but was goodddd yeh.
lately been really pooopy, school's tiring, and tmrw;s eng, been looking at ee cummings for so long, gd we're not doing anything else of that.
home ec, yummy jap food, yums (: with lotsa cleaning up and pigging out after washing our food. everyone was eating here and there and the udon was enjoyable i suppose.
cut my hair too. the guy kept asking me if i just came back frm school. -_-
feeling very poopy, very tired, this week's been exhausting, cant wait to get it over with.
see picts on grace's blog, i love the oreo cake we did has this great spongey taste but no oreo taste really. and then the coke ice looks amazingly hard, cant wait to try the drink out again. :D
baked a cake for the first time. (((: so happy with how it turned out loooveees.
well this layout is my piecesof-meg, will be replacing the dull stripes with brighter ones, im very lazy right now.
[; byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
12:15 AM
Friday, February 10, 2006
you know whats scary?
when you wake up at 11.00 and hear someone reallyyyy loud singing (on tv perhaps) "and ieeieieieieieiieieiiiiiii will allwwayyyssss loooveeee youuuuuu" its a song i dont know what it is. oh great its still really loud and its a different song. its really disruptive. this doesnt happen inour condo but its so LOUD I CAN HEAR IT FROM DONT KNOW WHERE its driving me insane. i cant tell really what the song is. omg someone just screamed really loudly. ahhhh chaos.
when i was young i thought kiosk and chaos were the same.
7:45 PM
i am mourning today ):
tmrw is shawn lee's birthday and i cannot celebrate it with him and his fans at lido or something.
im seriously sad ok, im not kidding. it would be so cool to meet him and jack neo and the extra like girl (goodness she very extra).
shawn lee, on his blog said it would be nice if more people came. so yeah.
history was alright (: it was ok i guess. the linkage and the talk with cheryl helped i guess. (: yipeeeeeee, i forgot the dates but whattheheck. i couldnt be bothred.
dear God,
thank you its friday.
4:58 AM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
haha, a classic greeting. im so happy today , theres urban in the newspaper. yayayayyyay. (:
and theres no hw besides studying for history. yaayayayyayaayyayy.
(: and im almost done. woohoo.
(cherylmok get well soon (: )
oh and i failed my math quiz i think. bleh. poh's gonna kill me. so unreasonable
home econs! the food was bleh.
grrrrrrr, so we washed like mad. and maisie got hot oil spalshed on her hand. heh. sowwie.
then my dad picked me up YIPEEE, and sent liz down to the bus stop, and we stopped to by kaps (why the plural, i dont know ) and my dad got a FAN TASTIC. qhich i dont know it looks gross. mos burger is authentic. (shut up shut up ) so i dont mind paying more for the real rice burger.
in your face kap (:
byeeeeee, 2g, hope you enjoy your home e dishes(:
11:06 PM
ok this has very little to do with shanw lee. very very very little.
i think the history test is really irritating me, i mean its so annoying, and i dont know what to do with all those facts and i dont know what im going to do if i cant handle one test.
things that made me happy:
reading shawn lee's blog. heh.
seeing yiling at the bus stop, hahaha, its so funny.
talking to people online, finally getting to thank em for the card.
falling asleep on the couch
finally learning my tingxie.
people who made me laugh. (:
yaaaaaaaaaaa. bye!
4:31 AM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
omgomgomg, i want to watch the movie again and again and again, i know the plot larrrr but the movie just just YOU KNOW nice to watch, and see HEEEHEEEHEEEEEEEE.
yay i know shawn lee looks better than joshua ang, actually aiyah i dont know but YAYYYY.
i like the movie.
please please do not eat so much sugar, k thx.
11:15 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
booohoooo, i must have lost alot of water in the movie theatres today. )))): it was so sad. i think i not stupid too, is a GREAT movie.
hehhehehehhe, shawn lee (:
5:16 AM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
stole it from cara. HAHAHHAHAHA yeah the uncool people have got it natchin. ppppffttttt. (:
Seven things that scare you:
1. sudden noises in absolute quietness
2. harry potter movies, yeah i knowwwwww.
3. mrs poh
4. not being able to find my notes or my book, (which makes my heart skip a beat and i actually feel my life flashing before my eyes. no just kidding)
5. lizards. scary k.
6. things that look like lizards.
7. weird objects that look like scary things, faces, ghosts, oh yeah the scientist climbing up a rope inscience centre. omg.
Seven things you like the most:
1. God, friends and family.
2. internet as a whole (blogs, msn, google.)
3. smilies/smiles
4. good books. really good books.
5. tv. heheheheh.
6. ipod. (:
7. im sorry for this, but money! HAHA.
Seven important things in your room:
1. my bed.
2. the laptop i move around, which is sometimes in my room i guess.
3. My Sister's Keeper, really nice book.
4. Speakers
5. Handphoneeeeee K700i
6. My money. hahahahah
7. Myuhm, i forgot. i was going ot say something but i forgot. oh yeah camera. wheee.
Seven random facts about you:
1. i think im allergic to makeup really.
2. I feel really funny when i pick up something tiny. its so weird.
3. i, watch ANTM even my mom doesnt allow. heh.
4.when somebody wipes the board and leaves out a tiny mark, i just feel like AHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA i need ot go wipe that.
5. boys who have mood swings are so weird.
6. i, dont like buses.
7. i dont know what to say.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Go to Paris or travel the world
2. sleep really well. not that i dont, but oh well.
3. eat a lot.
4. Be rich.
5. try to learn korean cos it sounds cool. ehhehehheheheehehheheeheh omg im high.
6. get a PHD. in something
7. go out with all the people ive ever been friends with. go see margaret kao in calif.
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
not applicable. (:
Seven things you say the most:
1. hello!
2. hahahah thats so funny.
3. youre so weird!
4. dunno.
5. YOOOOOOO, to jacq.
6. uh , ok.
7. (liana you influenced me so much) diaoO.
Seven celeb crushes [whether foreign or local]:
uh this is getting kind of weird.
maxy : no one is qualified to be yummy. its just scary. ahahhaha.
Seven favourite drinks:
1. peach tea
2. heaven and earth green tea.
3. coke
4. pepsiiiii.
5. f and n grape
6. root beer.
7. water, aiyah this is so typical.
Seven memorable shows you used to watch as a kid:
donntttt knooooowwwwwwwww.
just do this quiz (: and tag me if youve done it. :D
2:32 AM
hahahahhahahah, overslept today, i not stupid 1 is reallyyy funny, i stayed up and watched on it on tv till like 1.00 a.m.
bye dennis, hope you have a safe flight back.
i dont know what history's talking about! its like so weird, she just taught on uh friday and now she wants a test next week. ):
feeling very slackish, byeeeeeeeeeee.
cara: <3 back (:
1:26 AM
Friday, February 03, 2006
its no offense to the people, you guys are great but this is what i have to say
i think discouraging has nothing ot do with what i want to wear. if this is your attempt of bonding us, it kindof worked at frist, but well, it isnt really now, kindof.
and i dnt think its discouraging, and saying what you said there, as really weird. weird. ok?
as in of course itd be great to wear a differenet colour. i wouldnt mind wearing yellow in a sea of blacks. well, its not discouraging. i like the colour codes, its interesting, its just the way youre sayigng it, as if youre above everyone else, its getting old.
its not towards the person or anybody, its just the way you said it.
disappointed me. and the way everythings done now, i dont know.
i really dont. im really really sorry.
we-ell, liz makes me laugh k. (: and,
hahahha tday was weird.
4:41 AM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
yoooo :D
i think besides schoolwork, and yucky teachers and waking up early... schools actually alright!
yayy. and chinese is quite ok, im sitting infront so it makes mepay attention more.
somebody owes me a tape but i just cant rmb who, who ah who ah.
im feeling very "short sentence"y today! because we learnt instructions and i cant be bothered to type a proper paragraph.
we got mrs tong for our mentor k, its really, weird. i cant beleive shes in cheer. her teeth are really, weird. and i think shes basicially, weird.
liz, whats yen ferns geo site? tell meeeeeeee.
taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :D
note to self: consume less sugar content.
2:32 AM